I got a book about Do335 series. It’s probably discontinued and usually costs more than 80 EUR on eBay. I was so lucky to find a sell for 40 EUR. I was positively surprised when I received it, as the book looks really brand-new. The name of seller sounds like female. I guess this was probably a part of her spouse’s left correction? The title is “Dornier Do335, 435, 635”, but it contains a lot of photos, sketches and drawings of prototype airplanes of Luftwaffe in the end of WWII, so interesting. I read that Do435 was propelled not with hybrid of Jet & ICE, but two pure ICE engine like Do335. I couldn’t find the name of Do535 at all. It seems the Hybrid type of Dornier fighter existed only with prototype number such as Pxxxx, is my understanding correct?